Monday, November 28, 2011

PANAMA Trip 2/Second Entry

Chris sent this to me last Tuesday night but alas, my computer was at work and I am just getting the opportunity to post it now!  Miracles do happen.  I know it.  Keep fighting Chris. We all love you so much.  Chris reports...

I got my first intrathecal injection on Wednesday.  That was pretty intense. I felt so much pressure in my back and my tail bone.  My back was sore all night and the tingling in my legs was  nonstop.  My legs also jerked and spasmed all night.   I remember waking up in the middle of the night thinking the umbilical cord cells must have been from BamBam. Lol.   I was wiped out all night after the injection. Just exhausted. Slept for 12 hours.  Thursday I got an IV injection. No side effects I felt pretty good.  Friday got another intrathecal injections.  I felt good friday.  Therapy is going good. Working hard.  Saturday while waiting for our cab I noticed I could feel a muscle In my left side of my back right above my hip.  I kept trying to flex it all day.  I have never had this sensation.  I just played with this new feeling the rest of the weekend.  We visited the old city of Panama over the weekend.  Some of the most amazing sights you would ever want to see.  The buildings from the late 1600's. Most being restored.  Just simply amazing.  We went and had Peruvian food for dinner.  We also hit the Panama Canal.  Got a little sightseeing in.  It has been easier to do that this time, I just feel like a different person than I did in June. We had such a good day Saturday.  Saturday night I had flu like symptoms.  I guess it could be from the injections. I woke up sweating ready to throw up!  It's amazing how fast I got upright.  It usually takes me a little bit of maneuvering to get up and sitting on the side of the bed.  Having that sick nauseated feeling like your gonna vomit got me sitting upright instantly.  I fell back asleep and felt fine the next day.   I have been up and down the streets of Panama all week.     I need to get some brake lights and turn signals on this chair. I still want to walk so bad. I had a new PT on Monday morning.  My PT Lou Vina I was told was sick and this new girl would be working with me.  She cracked the whip on me.   Here I was thinking substitute teacher time to screw off for the day.  I was wrong. Lol. So many abdominal excercises.  I just kept pushing on. Monday I got my third intrathecal injection.  I had no pain or side effects that day.  I just felt the usual pressure when the cells were injected.  But that night i could feel my muscles in my lower back really flexing! I am feeling my stomach too. It's not a real good sensory touch yet but If you push on my skin I can feel it. The flexing in my lower back is moving around my left side.  I just laid there on the couch flexing those muscles all night to the point of exhaustion.  I  moved them so much that I have cramps in that muscle. I only slept 4 hours Monday night.  You can't imagine how excited I feel right now.  Real movement. This has been such a slow painstaking process.   I feel like the next two bone marrow injections and some intense core work will change me.  This is my goal. I want to be able to do sit ups.  When I'm sitting in the waiting room at the clinic people where rolling out last week saying things like "I got my triceps back.". Another guy came out that same day saying excitedly,"I got my hip flexor back.". It was like these people were rolling out of a Jiffy Lube after a tune up! I was like you have got to be kidding me!!! What about me? But I got my wish.  It's like someone turned the electricity on in my back.  And it feels like its spreading out around my side. I hope it continues.I want everyone here I met here to have some sort of progress.   Again I met many people that have it worse than my injury.  I sat in the waiting room at the clinic with a mother who was there with her son. He's a quad.   We exchanged stories.  Her son was injured this past June. Her eyes just swelled up with tears as she talked about him.  Jen had to leave the room because she didn't want to cry in front of her.  I was broken-hearted for her.  I got a few months on him just assured her that things will get easier.  I just am blessed that I have so much mobility. 

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